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House & Office Cleaning Companies


Phone (201) 479-9490
Address 15 Fairway,
Maywood, NJ 07607 United States


It is true that just about everyone will have to do some level of cleaning in their own home or office. Picking up and putting things away, however, is similar to putting gas in the car. True deep cleaning of a house, on the other hand, is closer to rebuilding a transmission. It is certainly not something that everyone has the skills or aptitude to do, nor should they want to.All of the cleaners who work for Zhannas, however, are exceptional cleaners who really know how to get every last bit of dirt or other items out of your home. We hire people who actually enjoy cleaning, and have made it into a career that they can stick with for many years to come. These are the people who you want to handle all your house cleaning, office cleaning or other types of jobs that you just dread doing.While you may want to put off window cleaning or blinds cleaning, our professionals will be more than happy to take care of it for you. They also do things like oven cleaning, wall washing, furniture treatment and much more. You can look at a list of services that are provided on this website to see all that we do.If you’re looking for a general maid service to help keep your home clean, that is not a problem. If you want to do a once per year, ‘spring cleaning’ we can do that too. We even have janitorial services and other great options to consider. The bottom line is, when you are working with Zhannas, you are getting the best cleaners every single time.

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